How to Freeze Sweet Corn - enjoy it all year long

Freeze Sweet Corn now for enjoyment later

Nothing beats the taste of fresh corn on the cob - crispy and golden - the flavor erupts in your mouth. In some parts of the country, sweet corn lovers can buy ears picked that morning.

If frozen properly the incredible flavor can be enjoyed months later. We save a few bags for Thanksgiving and Christmas at our house. It is fun to recall doing the project together. You can have a bit of summer at your table all year.

How to freeze sweet corn

Whole ears of corn do not freeze well - it takes on a bad taste and the cob becomes mushy. It also takes up a lot of space.

The best way for freezing sweet corn; - while still on the cob, blanch the ears in boiling water for 2 minutes, remove with tongs and immediately immerse the ears in ice water for 5 minutes, then strip the kernels and place them in a freezer bag. To add salt or butter is up to you but neither is necessary.

You can process a few ears of corn or several dozen to store and enjoy in the future.

It takes a little work - but well worth it

Get the freshest sweet corn possible, at farmers markets or roadside stands.Like all vegetables, each day from harvest will affect the quality. Removing the husk is the easy part, it peels right off.

The stringy silk is another story. Picking it off by hand can take a while and this makes having help with the process welcomed.

Place the ear of corn under running water and stroke it gently with a plastic bristle brush and the rest will come off. Work slowly, you do not want to rip open the milky kernels.The remainder of the silk can be removed after the kernels are free.

Use a corn kernel removal tool for best results.

Once the cob has cooled, you can remove the kernels with a serrated or electric knife but the safest and most efficient way is to use a corn kernel removal tool. These are available at most kitchen stores and big box retail outlets.

Like anything - you get what you pay for - if you plan on stripping corn regularly then purchase a quality tool. Otherwise they are as cheap as $4. The tool cleanly removes the corn kernels and leaves only the cob.

How to freeze sweet corn

    1.Husk the ears of corn, remove silk and cut away any bruising or imperfections
    2.Place ears of corn in boiling water for 2 minutes. This will help keep the flavor fresh by halting the enzyme actions. This is important. Do not skip this part of the process.
    3.Use tongs to transfer the blanched ears into a container of ice water for at least 5 minutes. This stops the cooking process and makes the kernels crisper and easier to remove from the cob.
    4.Strip the kernels from the cooled corn cob with tool or knife. Use a cookie sheet to hold the kernels. Discard any remaining silk.
    5.Place corn kernels in quality freezer bags - Pint or Quart size depending on future needs. Flatten bags and force out excess air.
    6.When ready to cook, bring 2 quarts of water to a rolling boil, add frozen corn and heat for 3 minutes. It will taste like it just came off the cob. Do not overcook.